
Consulting is a core competence of Grant Global Invest AG. Due to its background of employees and partners, the company can draw on many years of profound knowledge in this field.

The service profile of consulting includes:

This concerns the respective individuality of the projects concerned and applies equally to investments of Grant Global Invest AG as well as to the respective clients and customers.


Transaction Consulting

The conception of short-, medium- and long-term corporate and investment strategies for expansion, diversification, reorganization and consolidation as well as financial restructuring, project financing and refinancing.

The preparation of the business plans, project presentations, business and compliance documents required for this purpose. The implementation of the measures required for this purpose by taking over the management of the processes or providing permanent support until their successful completion.

The review, development, solicitation, procurement and implementation of project-specific investment, investment and financing concepts and financing with high innovation, security and sustainability value.

The business process reengineering, crisis prevention and resilience management.

The development and establishment of an internal control system (ICS), a risk management and early warning system, as well as internal auditing and compliance. The preparation of all necessary documents, records and contracts.

The development and implementation of the Internet-based electronic information, evaluation, control and monitoring system "L.I.A.S. one" for mapping (monitoring) and analyzing all processes relating to the acquisition of real estate, projects and shareholdings as well as portfolio and shareholding management, controlling and internal auditing.